Gabriela Monroe lives in her small two-story home with her one year-old son, Daniel Monroe. Her ex-boyfriend and former best friend got her pregnant and soon left town because he wasn't ready to be a father to a young boy. Since she was expecting a little baby, she dropped out of school and moved to a new home, her parents were disgusted on how a 17 year-old girl would have kid. Once she settled into her new home, Gabriela's parent's moved away into another town, Riverview. Now, Gabriela's bills are over-due, she's taking online-classes to get her diploma, and her part-time job at the local grocery store isn't helping her money troubles.
But, her best friend, Kevin Atsly, decides to move in with her, to help her with her baby and money troubles. A month later, while Lila Watson, Kevin's friend and Gabriela's acquaintance, babysits Daniel while Kevin takes Gabriela out for doing better than she was a month ago. While there, Kevin reveals his feelings toward Gabriela. Gabriela feels the same way, but she's just not ready to be in a steady relationship yet. Will Kevin break the chains surrounding Gabriela's heart and mind, or did an old-flame ruin Kevin's chances of being with Gabriela.
Several weeks later, Gabriela and Kevin have been dating yet not in a steady relationship yet. Their new relationship is going great and Gabriel begins to feel like this relationship might last longer than her previous one. One night, while Kevin was asleep because he had to work the other day, Nate Lander, Gabriela's friend, comes over to play with Gabriela's key piano which she barely uses unless she's very stress or mad. Gabriela paints in the garage surrounded by Nate's and Daniel's music playing. After joking with each other, Gabriel presents her first painting to Nate, who then says it looks like a kindergartner drew it. Nate asks Gabriela about her new relationship with Kevin, and when Nate tells her that she should be careful about her decisions or else she might end up with another Daniel. Gabriela finds this a bit offensive since it's her life and everybody makes mistakes, but she over-reacts and has an argument with Nate telling him that he's not allowed back into her home without permission. Nate leaves but only after saying that when her heart gets broken, don't come crying to him.
Gabriela then apologizes to Daniel for witnessing her argument with Uncle Nate. After putting Daniel to bed, Gabriela hopes that Daniel won't have to see another thing like that, to see that type of life where men and women yell at each other and soon separate leaving the kids to choose who they want to live with.
After the night of her argument with Nate, Gabriela decides to hosts a house party to calm her nerves. But, then worries about who's going to watch Daniel during the party. After searching for babysitters online, she finds a daycare that will take care of children 24/7. Gabriela plans to view the daycare with Daniel, two days before the party starts. Daniel and Gabriela both love the daycare and she agrees to sign up Daniel for free.
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